Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Green Growing

While much of the environmental focus in the news as of late has been on arctic ice growth, I've chosen against jumping on that bandwagon. (Let's be honest, if the "it's all a sham"-side hasn't listened to anyone yet, they're not going to start with me.) Instead, I've been paying a lot of attention to the Guerilla Gardening movement.

Some people see the movement as political -- reclaiming public spaces as an exercise in land ownership and reform. I think as a fabulous way to show Mother Nature you care. What better way to show appreciation for the earth than to plant flowers or food and watch it grow for the birds, animals, and people around you? I often look at the sad state of city-run parks and derelict street corners (oh, the joy of living and working downtown) and dream about beautify-ing them to enjoy with my neighbours. My landlord might notice me landscaping the front lawn of my apartment building, but I might just arm myself with Mookychick's advice and find my own little corner of the world this summer.

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